Saturday 11 August 2012

Kagawa- the key to unlimited success? I think so.

Upon watching the Pre-season games which Manchester United have played across the globe one player, one player has been able to show us a small sample of what is about to come- and I am excited. His name is Shinji Kagawa, the attacking midfielder, brought from Dortmund- the German Champions.

From the point we announced the signing I knew he would return the goods, every day of the week. He is the one who is the key, someone to unlock the defence with a killer pass or even the movement only 'special' strikers possess. He works for the team much like Ji Sung Park did for United for multiple seasons and that can only be a bonus.

Through watching the most recent and last pre season game vs Hannover, both him and Anderson linked up very well together- much like Cleverley and Anderson in the early parts of the 2011/12 season before Tom's unfortunate injury problem(s). Whilst Anderson is content to protect the defence and send out balls to the wingers in Nani and Valencia, Kagawa then has the ability to do what he does best. Although I am not completely sure how we will line up against Everton, a week on Monday, one thing is certain in my mind: Shinji Kagawa has to be playing from the offset.

Having such a player in the team not only unlocks a brilliant football brain it also holds the key to others on the pitch. For instance, Wayne Rooney can have that even more freedom to float between CAM and CF when he wants to knowing that Kagawa is there to open up available options.

All in all- this small man is looking quite a genius signing from Sir Alex already and somewhat of a bargain at £12 million pounds. As the weeks past in the English Premier League one thing is certain: His English will get better.. and oh yes, his football will get even better.

If you enjoyed this short post please feel free to follow me on Twitter @OleOleUnited

Thank you for your time.

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